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Our Story

PEER Coaching India came to being with a deep desire to see workplaces as ecosystems for ’growth and development”; where we Help more, Judge less; challenge the comfortable and comfort the challenged.

In essence, we are partners for individuals & companies that want to leverage the power of Coaching. We all can’t possibly afford a coach ; why not Each One Coach One.

We take pride as a community of coaches who support leaders and coaches alike. Read here……

At the core of our coaching work is foundational coaching model: PEER

Our Vision

Our vision is of Workplaces that invite our Whole Self to Work; inspire us to maximise our Potential; where we Support more and Judge less.

Our Mission

To bring the benefits of Coaching conversations and practices to Organisations; strengthen culture thro’ building coaching mindsets and competencies amongst peers.

Our Values

It’s not what you do; but what your heart aches for; what keeps you awake at night; the coach listens with an Open heart, Trust & Respect; honours your Whole Self.

Principal Consultant & Coach

Holding Growth Edge conversations ; Leveraging Change & Transitions; Leadership branding & Presence: Coaching leaders towards realising their Vision, Holistic well being/ Resilience.

I coach leaders think thro significant personal and work transitions in their life. As their thinking partner I support them in realising their vision/aspirations and living their bigger selves. Many times they hold themselves back and need a Growth Edge conversation 💡 , challenge their assumptions and beliefs that do not serve them.

Sukh Mishraa PCC, Founder PEER Coaching India

Coach Instructor, Mentor Coach & Coach Supervisor