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High Stakes Conversations

If it truly maters to you…..

So you have a conversation on your mind/calendar, the outcome of which can potentially impact you tangibly.
Or you wish to have a conversation because it truly matters to you, impacts you personally or professionally.
Some of us strategise these conversations, plan for them and actually have parts of them over a period of time.  As you can imagine this approach requires prior thinking, a lot of reflection, future thinking in order to establish a path for these conversations and making a few tweaks along the way. 

How do you qualify a conversation as high stakes ?

How do you qualify a conversation as high stakes ?

  • It matters to you
  • It makes a tangible difference to you in the long/short term

So what is holding you back in having this conversation?

  • What are your worries?
  • What is imagine will happen if you have that conversation?
  • What is at stake for you if you don’t?